Meditation is a process in which the person doing it is training his mind to realize a benefit. It is a process that is generally targeted inward; it helps in gaining an inner peace and a moment to reflect. Because of this, meditations help in reducing stress and relax. It also has lot more benefits apart from relieving stress when done on a daily basis.
So how do meditations help in reducing stress? While meditating, people consciously relieve themselves from all their worries that had been in their mind the entire day. It is a personal time for people; they need not be at the beck and call of the others but spend time for themselves. As little as fifteen minutes is enough to relax the mind and take some effective decision which is tough to come otherwise. Meditation also has quite a lot of health benefits. The main benefit is reducing stress which in return brings down pressure levels and even any prospective heart diseases reduce significantly. Though one cannot say meditation results in overall good health or improvement in health, there is a steady growth in awareness of the physical health and mind. In many cases physical problems are due to inner disturbance, meditation helps in relieving this and bring about a peace of mind which helps in reduce any ailments that is caused due to inner turmoil.
There are so many things that people can achieve and conquer, but conquering ones mind is not as easy as it sounds. There are so many who give in to failure or succumb to pressure because of the pessimistic thoughts that are running through their minds. By learning to meditate, people can learn to control their thoughts and allow them to flow according to their wishes rather than the other way round. The process of thought control helps in bringing a peace of mind that people crave for. Meditation helps people in making decisions with logic and reasoning rather than with emotions. Extreme emotions like anger, frustration and depression can be controlled and help in bringing perceptiveness for thoughts. It also helps people to not give importance and dethatch themselves from insignificant inconveniences and irritations that at times rule the mind. And another huge advantage is that meditation helps people to concentrate and focus. From dance, sports to studies, concentration is required to excel. Meditation helps in not only increasing the concentration but also helps in keeping the focus and energy intact.
Creativity is something that comes only when there is a free flow of thoughts and not when the mind is occupied with the past and the future rather than the present. When people are preoccupied about the past activities and worry about the future, spontaneity and creativity gets blocked in the process. Meditation helps in channelizing the mind and absorbs the mind in to the current job and current moment, which helps in opening the world of creativity.
Most people are not satisfied with their present life, they always want something better in life be it a pair of shoes or an own house, it is hard to find people who are happy and content with whatever they have. Meditation helps in knowing more about the existence of life, which is always not materialistic but inner peace as well. It helps in realizing the actual person inside by pondering on the inner thoughts instead of comparing themselves with the outer world and coming to a conclusion about themselves.
Meditation is not just sitting quietly for some time, it is all about controlling the thoughts that are running havoc in the mind and channelizing them. This takes a lot of time to achieve and not with very few attempts. Now, there are programs and videos on television that often come on channels provided by TV broadcasters like FiOS TV.
About the Author:
Samantha kirk is a freelance writer. She is also a philosophic and thinks the best wealth in the world in peace of mind. She meditates on a daily basis and watch programs based on philosophy on her FiOS TVs.
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